How to make micro Inverter circuit mini project

 How to make Electronics mini project?: Micro converter.

A simple low-power inverter circuit is described here, which converts 12V DC into 230V AC. It can be used to power very light loads like night lamps and cordless telephones,but can be modified into a powerful inverter by adding more MOSFETs. This circuit has two stages-battery charger with cut-off, and battery level indicator and inverter circuit.Charging circuit is built around IC1 (LM317) as shown in Fig. 1. When mains 230V AC is available, IC1 provides gate voltage to SCR1 (TYN616) through diode D3 (1N4007). SCR1 starts charging the battery. For output voltage setting preset VR1 may be used.

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mini inverter circuit diagram

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mini inverter diagram

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how to make a mini inverter at home

small inverter circuit diagram


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