Triple-Mode Tone Generator

 Triple-Mode Tone Generator 

Here is a simple circuit that generates three different tones. You can use it as a call bell, burglar alarm or any other security alarm using ic LM556.
Triple-Mode Tone Generator, Electronics mini project, how to make Triple-Mode Tone Generator, how make Triple-Mode Tone Generator using ic lm556

Another circuit. 

Now, here is unique tone generator circuit which produces three different type of sound according to input three different logic levels (i.e. 0&1, 1&0 and 1&1). 

Triple-Mode Tone Generator using ic lm556, Electronics mini project , ic LM 556, tone generator mini project

Circuit description:

This circuit is designed around digital IC 7400 which is NAND gate. The working of the circuit is like the working principle of oscillator circuit, where frequency depends upon capacitors C1 and C2. The duty cycle of this circuit is 50%. The output is given to power amplifier circuit which further drive loudspeaker or head phone. For low frequency value of capacitor C1 and C2 must be high and vice-versa.


How to make Electronics mini project.

How to make Triple Mode tone generator circuit.

Electronics mini project.

Triple mode tone generator circuit diagram.

Electronics mini project using IC  LM556.

Electronics mini project using BC 537.

Electronics mini project using transistor.


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