What is power electronic components (Review of power electronic components)

  What is power electronics components.

To understand power electronic devices and circuit, it is essential to have knowledge about basic electronic components. Two main categories of electronic components are (a) Passive components, (b) Active components. Passive component's working does not depend on external biasing supply. Examples of passive components are resistor, capacitor and inductor. For the operation of active component, external biasing supply is essential. Examples of active components are diode, BJT, FET, UJT, IGBT, MOSFET, SCR, TRIAC, etc.

 Electronic devices can be classified as tube devices and semiconductor devices. In early days of electronics (1900 to 1940), tube devices were most commonly used. Tube devices are further classified as vacuum tube devices and gas filled tube devices. Vacuum tube diode, triode, CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) are few examples of vacuum tube devices. Vacuum tube devices are operated on the basis of 'thermionic emission' i.e. emission of electrons due to heating of cathode. Thyratron, ignitron, mercury arc rectifier, nixie tube, neon lamp are from gas filled tube device category. 'Gas ionization' is the basic working principle of gas filled tube devices i.e. gas ionization occurs due to applied potential. 

  Semiconductor components are also known as solid state components. Semiconductor materials are having specific electrical conductivity between that of good conductor and that of good insulator. Their ability of carrying electrical current can be enhanced by the addition of certain chemical impurities. Semiconductor materials in pure form are called as intrinsic semiconductors.The most commonly used semiconductor is Si and the less frequently used is Ge. The process of addition of impurity material to pure semiconductor is called as doping. Due to addition of impurity, impure semiconductor is formed. This impure semiconductor is called as extrinsic semiconductor. Two types of extrinsic semiconductors are P-type semiconductor and N-type semiconductor. By using these extrinsic semiconductors, various electronics devices are manufactured. 

Table shows symbol, terminal names and applications of basic semiconductor devices. 

Power Electronic components


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